Corporate storytelling – the what and the why

How can corporations use storytelling to become better and more profitable? Well, in much the same way everyone else can do it. I’ve spent a couple of days this week at the Nordisk Panorama festival and have presented my company to a number of people. I’ve explained how we have a core competence spanning over…Read more Corporate storytelling – the what and the why

The Power of True Stories

I recently read an interesting article on storytelling by Jonathan Gottschall. I’ve been for a long time - like Gottschall, apparently - quite fascinated by the power a well-crafted and well-told story can have, in almost any sort of circumstances. In my line of work - creating, developing and producing everything from TV shows to…Read more The Power of True Stories

How to make your story resonate

If there is one thing we all want it’s to be heard and recognized. Whatever the story we are telling is, we want it to reach someone and cause a reaction. Most of the stories we tell are personal, directed at one person or a small group, but some are intended for far larger audiences.…Read more How to make your story resonate

Only as strong as your weakest link

  When developing stories and projects and creating and producing content today, the temptations are endless. Today we no longer need to ’only’ write a book or ’only’ create a movie script, the possibilities are manifold and the possible rewards huge. On this blog I’ve been promoting the principles and methods of – well, call…Read more Only as strong as your weakest link

The Corporate Angle – Storytelling for Business

I will confess. I like money. More specifically, I like sound return on investment. Not so much for the money itself, but for what it signifies. In a world of commercial interests and globalized business, a world where metrics matter to a lot of people, ROI is one of the most indisputable metrics around. As…Read more The Corporate Angle – Storytelling for Business

Transmedia in 2015

I’ve been eagerly studying, creating, curating and producing in the transmedia vein for the past few years, ever since the cross-media me saw the light of transmedia storytelling in a conference room in Cardiff in the summer of 2010. I’ve taken part of all the different discussions on what transmedia really is and what it’s…Read more Transmedia in 2015

One Year In Now Media Vol IV

It's out! What is, you ask. Well, the annual curation of my blog posts, combined with interviews with a bunch of people smarter than I am, that's what 🙂 Find it as a free-to-download PDF on the Slideshare link below. And a massive thanks to all the participating creators and producers and all around intelligent…Read more One Year In Now Media Vol IV

Transmedia and the corporate world

One of the things I’ve been doing more of lately than ever before is talk to companies and corporations about their communication strategies and how they approach their own stories. It should probably come as no surprise, since the companies I’m talking to are very much not in the media sphere, that the knowledge about…Read more Transmedia and the corporate world

Taking The First Steps in Transmedia

First, a full disclaimer. I’m writing this post not so much for you, dear reader, as I’m doing it for myself. Let me explain. As I’m increasingly working with people who have no or little experience of transmedia (or even cross media or any of the theories or practices behind multiplatform storytelling), I find myself…Read more Taking The First Steps in Transmedia

The art of limiting

File this brief post under ”basic things that are really good to keep in mind at all times”. When it comes to cross media creation and transmedia storytelling development, the sky is the limit. You could make a good case for almost any media platform to be included. You could develop strategies for all existing…Read more The art of limiting