Reach, visibility and engagement part eight – collaboration

In this final post in our series on how we can look at our projects when aiming at reaching audiences, engaging with them and arriving at the desired impact we'll talk about one of the more crucial aspects of today - collaboration. There is an ever-growing need to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part eight – collaboration

One Year In Now Media Vol IV

It's out! What is, you ask. Well, the annual curation of my blog posts, combined with interviews with a bunch of people smarter than I am, that's what 🙂 Find it as a free-to-download PDF on the Slideshare link below. And a massive thanks to all the participating creators and producers and all around intelligent…Read more One Year In Now Media Vol IV

Bringing convergence to the people

I’ve pitched enough ideas and projects and tenders to enough possible buyers and collaborators and clients to know that one of the most important things to do is to NOT confuse them. As one of the hardest working sellers I know use to say – selling IP to someone as reluctant as your average media…Read more Bringing convergence to the people

Transmedia 2.0 – a review

Nuno Bernardo has just released his second book on how to produce transmedia. Titled ”Transmedia 2.0 – How to Create an Entertainment Brand using a Transmedial Approach to Storytelling”, it’s an in-depth look at why transmedia storytelling methods can give creators and producers a decisive edge when it comes to standing out among the crowd…Read more Transmedia 2.0 – a review

The art of limiting

File this brief post under ”basic things that are really good to keep in mind at all times”. When it comes to cross media creation and transmedia storytelling development, the sky is the limit. You could make a good case for almost any media platform to be included. You could develop strategies for all existing…Read more The art of limiting

Transmedia – different fields, different uses

When I pitch projects to possible buyers, possible customers or possible collaborators, I frequently refrain from using the term ”transmedia”. I’ve found that it often interferes with discussions, moving it into a debate around definitions or general practices, rather than letting the talking focus on the project at hand. That, or it is (still) met…Read more Transmedia – different fields, different uses

Be the calm in the noise

When I’ve done talks and workshops for different groups of students in different countries lately, there’s one thing in particular that has struck me. I’ve shown quite a few innovative and successful examples of projects that are in the transmedia vein and are focusing on audience engagement. However, these case studies are always followed by…Read more Be the calm in the noise

Seven hands-on transmedia tips

I’ve been approached to hold workshops a a couple of universities in the past week, and I’ve had to quite radically change my approach to suit the needs of students who are right now working on their very first cross media (or perhaps even transmedia) projects. One slide I felt I had to put in…Read more Seven hands-on transmedia tips

MIPTV, MIPFormats and MIP Digital – a reflection

Things seemed a bit quieter this time around. Where there’s usually a throng of busy TV industry people, elbows being of better use than feet for propelling oneself forward, this time there was ample space almost everywhere. On the other hand the new incentives from the MIP-organizers – the MIP Cube and the MIP Digital…Read more MIPTV, MIPFormats and MIP Digital – a reflection

Five transmedia projects – spring 2014

Spring is fast approaching, unless we see some more disheartening cases of ”takatalvi” (Finnish for ”winter-that-creeps-up-from-behind”, a lovely word but a pretty irritating phenomena). With this in mind, and as the evolution of media and multiplatform storytelling apparently never slows down, here’s a continuation of my mini-series of looking at interesting projects in the transmedia…Read more Five transmedia projects – spring 2014