Reach, visibility and engagement part eight – collaboration

In this final post in our series on how we can look at our projects when aiming at reaching audiences, engaging with them and arriving at the desired impact we'll talk about one of the more crucial aspects of today - collaboration. There is an ever-growing need to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part eight – collaboration

Reach, visibility and engagement part six – flash or slow burn

When talking about reaching and engaging with an audience and achieving the desired impact from that interaction, one helpful way of analysing your project is what I like to call Flash or Slow Burn. It ties in with the last post about longevity but is more hands-on and helps when deciding what kind of actions…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part six – flash or slow burn

Reach, visibility and engagement part five – longevity

Thus far we’ve covered quite a lot of aspects in this journey. We're moving towards a better understanding of how we need to view our projects and what questions we need to ask. What we want to arrive at is a better understanding of how our projects can reach and engage people, either long or…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part five – longevity

Reach, visibility and engagement part four – intensity and polarisation

In this post we’ll look at a couple of important facets to take into consideration when looking at your project from an outreach and engagement perspective. I’ve tried out several different terms but the ones I feel mirror these facets the best are Intensity and Polarisation. Polarisation is quite self-evident - is your project one…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part four – intensity and polarisation

Reach, visibility and engagement part three – platforms

In the two previous posts we’ve discussed topic and target groups, and how to view these two in the light of your need to reach people with your project in one way or another, engage with them and - preferably - arrive at some form of interaction and perhaps even a sense of loyalty towards…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part three – platforms

Reach, visibility and engagement part one – topic

This post is a part of a series on how to analyze a project - most likely in the documentary genre, but also applicable elsewhere - to arrive at a better understanding of what possibilities, challenges, required actions and necessary collaborations can be identified and acted upon to help the project to reach its full…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part one – topic

The Customer is Always Right

Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project or service, and that bring friends with them.W. Edwards Deming Yesterday I wrote a short post about traditional media on the one hand and the possibilities brought by implementing something like transmedia storytelling on the other hand. My point was that traditional…Read more The Customer is Always Right

The Collective Journey – COVID-19 edition

Earlier this week I released a new episode of the Evolving Media podcast. It's been a while, but the topics we discussed felt absolutely crucial to start talking about now. The blurb for the podcast episode is below, and you can find the episode itself here. Join in the conversation, let's strive to make this…Read more The Collective Journey – COVID-19 edition

Reaching out, engaging audiences – but to which extent?

The Holy Grail of creating content is to reach an audience and have them engage with the story you're telling them. For the most part it will be an engagement you'll never experience yourself, that will only manifest in sales, views, downloads or some other metric. To a certain extent you can observe the engagement…Read more Reaching out, engaging audiences – but to which extent?