Revolutionising transmedia through AI

The world of storytelling is a constantly evolving landscape, as the name of this blogs eludes to. Creators seemingly won't stop seeking out innovative ways to captivate audiences and convey their tales. Nor should they! If readers remember, more than a decade ago, transmedia storytelling emerged on the scene as a groundbreaking approach that brought…Read more Revolutionising transmedia through AI

Artificial intelligence and the world of media

So, here we are. We all thought – hoped – we’d be going back to something resembling normalcy as the Covid pandemic slowly abated. But that didn’t materialise, thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the sudden realisation of the whole world that the non-sustainability of business-as-usual is now going to bite us in the…Read more Artificial intelligence and the world of media

Reach, visibility and engagement part eight – collaboration

In this final post in our series on how we can look at our projects when aiming at reaching audiences, engaging with them and arriving at the desired impact we'll talk about one of the more crucial aspects of today - collaboration. There is an ever-growing need to be a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part eight – collaboration

Reach, visibility and engagement part seven – impact and narrative reversal

In the earlier post this week we discussed looking at our project as a Flash or as a Slow Burn project, or some combination of the two, when looking at creating and sustaining a project that reaches audiences, engages with them and hopefully arrives at the desired outcome. Today I'd like to discuss a couple…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part seven – impact and narrative reversal

Reach, visibility and engagement part six – flash or slow burn

When talking about reaching and engaging with an audience and achieving the desired impact from that interaction, one helpful way of analysing your project is what I like to call Flash or Slow Burn. It ties in with the last post about longevity but is more hands-on and helps when deciding what kind of actions…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part six – flash or slow burn

Reach, visibility and engagement part five – longevity

Thus far we’ve covered quite a lot of aspects in this journey. We're moving towards a better understanding of how we need to view our projects and what questions we need to ask. What we want to arrive at is a better understanding of how our projects can reach and engage people, either long or…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part five – longevity

Reach, visibility and engagement part four – intensity and polarisation

In this post we’ll look at a couple of important facets to take into consideration when looking at your project from an outreach and engagement perspective. I’ve tried out several different terms but the ones I feel mirror these facets the best are Intensity and Polarisation. Polarisation is quite self-evident - is your project one…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part four – intensity and polarisation

Reach, visibility and engagement part two – target groups

Target groups In the previous post we looked at the topic of your project and what questions would need to be answered in order to enhance the possibilities for your project to reach and engage with people. And it’s exactly that which we’ll discuss in this post - how to look at and address your…Read more Reach, visibility and engagement part two – target groups