AI as a creative development tool

AI art is disruptive as hell. How can we use it in our creative processes? And should we?

Keeping up with the times – with the help of transmedia

In a post yesterday I revisited some of my old writings on transmedia, prompted by the realisation that the use of transmedia storytelling methods is still viewed as something quite new and groundbreaking by a fair number of people working in more traditional media settings. This feels a bit astonishing, as I remember some discussions…Read more Keeping up with the times – with the help of transmedia

Swimming in a sea of giants

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash Reading the NY Times article on Disney’s enormous push to get people to sign up for their new streaming service Disney+, it all seems a bit overwhelming. The blanket advertisement over TV channels, social media, buses, theme parks, stores, festivals… Most people should be aware by now that Disney are moving…Read more Swimming in a sea of giants

Evolution is around the corner – but when will we turn it?

I’ve spent the last few days on the sunny Riviera, immersing myself in MIPFormats, MIPDigital and MIPTV, the biggest market places around when it comes to TV content and, nowadays, increasingly online and mobile and social content as well. I was even invited to take part in a panel, which was interesting – I’ve never…Read more Evolution is around the corner – but when will we turn it?

One Year In Now Media Vol IV

It's out! What is, you ask. Well, the annual curation of my blog posts, combined with interviews with a bunch of people smarter than I am, that's what 🙂 Find it as a free-to-download PDF on the Slideshare link below. And a massive thanks to all the participating creators and producers and all around intelligent…Read more One Year In Now Media Vol IV

Bringing convergence to the people

I’ve pitched enough ideas and projects and tenders to enough possible buyers and collaborators and clients to know that one of the most important things to do is to NOT confuse them. As one of the hardest working sellers I know use to say – selling IP to someone as reluctant as your average media…Read more Bringing convergence to the people

INPUT 2014 – some thoughts

I’ve spent a couple of days at the INPUT 2014 conference in Helsinki, Finland, together with 800 people predominantly from the public service media sector from all around the world. It’s been a couple of days of very in-depth looks at projects from different fields and different territories. I’ve stayed true to the cross-media track…Read more INPUT 2014 – some thoughts

Story propagation – what creators can learn from marketing

I’m a great believer in learning from trades other than your own. Never has this been more important than now, when a content creator would need to be a great storyteller to have a story to gather an audience around, a good programmer to be able to augment the story with tech that enhances the…Read more Story propagation – what creators can learn from marketing

The art of limiting

File this brief post under ”basic things that are really good to keep in mind at all times”. When it comes to cross media creation and transmedia storytelling development, the sky is the limit. You could make a good case for almost any media platform to be included. You could develop strategies for all existing…Read more The art of limiting